Month: February 2015

Revised Needle Score! Now with 10% more documentation! Sick Edition



Thread a line

Poke a vein

Bind some cloth

Sew down twice

Save a life





2015-02-05 23.46.31

Tada! Its a sewing needle!


Thread a line

2015-02-05 23.47.34

This is the sewing needle after I threaded a line through it.


Poke a vein

2015-02-05 23.52.37

I crumbled a water bottle to create a visual emulation of a vein. Then I poked one of said veins.


Bind some cloth

2015-02-05 23.49.51

With the threaded needle, I went on to sew back together a winter sock I had destroyed for science.


Sew down twice

2015-02-05 23.51.00

I then made sure to sew it twice over, so that I could never destroy it again. (This may not be completely accurate)


Save a life.

2015-02-05 23.53.38

Finally, in order to save my plant from dehydration, I used the poked bottle as a mechanism to provide the plant with some water.



Arthur Ganson Video Links

Arthur Ganson’s machines are on special display at the MIT Museum in Cambridge (in theirĀ “Gestural Engineering” exhibit). He hand-makes the machine aspects of these kinetic sculptures (even the gears are hand-made with welded wire), and they’re fascinating to watch in motion. Brilliant pieces of engineering as art.

Below are a few of my favorites that utilize found objects and create whimsical scenarios with common materials. There are many more, and I highly recommend going to see them at the museum in person.

Machine with Wishbone

Machine with Oil

Machine with Roller Chain



Podcast Score Final_Kevin Cannon

Score Finalized_Kevin Cannon

Artist Statement

I don’t quite recall my exact though process that lead my to make this score the way it is. I can say that at the time of conception I had just started listening to the SleepyCabin Podcast and found it very entertaining. Something else I find entertaining, making people feel uncomfortable. So my initial though was to have people listen to this podcast, and let them feel uncomfortable for my amusement.

What I’m most proud of from this score however, is the line “If you in anyway disliked it, complain to friends, family, or strangers about which aspects were the most intolerable.” Call me cynical, but I am of the opinion that people naturally want to complain about things to distract themselves from the normally humdrum lives. I also find it very amusing when people complain incessantly about something they have no control over to people who don’t care, as long as they are not complain towards me. So I though that by adding this line I would beadle to predict what the people who didn’t like the podcast were going to do, hopefully catching them off guard, or embarrassing them (I am not a very good person).

When it came time to revise my score, the most consistent comments were that it is too controlling, and the participant should be allowed a little leeway on how certain things get done, and that it isn’t very presentable, in that you don’t really do anything until the end. So I took out some of the more micro-managy (which is a word I just created) instructions, and added a few more visual components to the scores enactment.