Month: November 2017

Artwork #3, Intervention: Waste Not, Want Not

I changed my original idea of using a dining hall to instead using a grocery store, in this case Target. The main idea of the game has stayed the same, though: make a number of calories with as few items as possible.

The goal of the game now is specifically to gather as few items as possible to make at least 1000 total calories.

Each player or team is given 4 minutes to go through the store and find their items. Players are not allowed to use food items that could be qualified as desserts (cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc). If a player does not make it back to the designated area in 4 minutes, the other player gets to select an item from the late player’s basket at random and remove it from the counting. If both players get back in time and have the same number of items and got at least 1000 calories, then whoever is closer to 1000 (i.e. has fewer calories) is the winner. The loser must then buy the winner a grocery item up to $10 (or whatever is financially feasible for that person at the time). All food items that are not being purchased must be put back. Isaac won this round because my items added up to 1,230 calories while his only added up to 1,090.

The point of this piece/game is to show how much food bought at stores ends up getting wasted due to over-buying and negligence. Many food items purchased at grocery stores end up going bad in refrigerators, and this game is meant to show how people could much more efficiently plan out their food purchases based on necessary calories and nutritional value if they paid more attention to calorie count and expiration dates.


Intervention – She’s NOT Your Toy


Artist Statement

Initially, I wanted to do my intervention on Twitter, playing a game similar to Mafia that would last for a week. Because I could not get the number of participants needed, I decided to create an intervention that can be done alone. The new intervention, She’s NOT Your Toy, takes place in the digital game, “Dead or Alive 5 Last Round” for the PlayStation 4.

The purpose of the intervention is to call attention to the sexualization and objectification of the female fighters in Dead or Alive.

The intervention was done over several hours in-game. I enter the 3D fighting game, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, in order to call out other online users who use the female fighters in-game with a specialized message. I enter the game using my PSN ID, “Mr_Rayshawn” and look for online lobbies that had several people inside. The maximum number of players in one lobby is 8. Inside the lobby, I enter spectator mode and look to see if someone plays as a female character. If they do, using the game’s text messaging system, I proceed to type, “[female’s name] is NOT a toy to fulfill your personal sexual fantasy”. I continue this pattern until there are no more players in the lobby or I am kicked from the session.

My inspiration for this piece came from the video I saw in class of dead-in-iraq done by Joesph DeLappe. In his piece, he too decides to intervene in a digital space and uses the game’s text messaging system. Also, his intervention fits in the context of the space he uses; he uses a game about America’s Army to give a memorial to soldiers who died fighting the Iraqi war. The game, Dead or Alive, is a perfect example of sexualization and objectification of women in video games which continues to be a problem. Anita Sarkeesian, founder of Feminist Frequency, looked at Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate in her episode, “Women as Reward – Special DLC Mini-Episode”. Reading the transcript, she explains what “sex sells” means.  Essentially, when super-sexual DLC outfits are put on sale, she says it is the publishers and developers way of saying, “YES, these women do indeed exist primarily as toys to fulfill your personal sexual fantasy”. I chose to flip this statement because women are not sexual objects and it is meant to call out anyone who thinks they are.

The reactions during the intervention met my expectations. Either I was kicked after a short time, or I was called a variety of names for bringing attention to this subject.



Intervention : Escaping from Digital World

My intervention game name is “less digital product, more paper books”. I went to the cafe house and looked for some people who used phones or computers for long time and did not take a rest. I invited them to take part in my activity, put electronic equipment down, and read one passage to show they supported my ideas and activity. This activity is one intervention that interrupted people who were using phones or computers and reminded them of avoiding for depending on computers, phones or other electronics overly. For reading material, I chosen several paragraphs in one book “Mindset, The New Psychology of Success” and made participants to read. Because I wanted participants to read some materials about their mindset and had some thinking about their mindset. I think paper books is a good method for people to escaping from digital world, calming down, relaxing their minds and learning something they cannot obtain from digital world. Because the purpose of using electronics always represented people have busy work on computers, competitions in game, finish assignments and other tense and fast-paced activities. Few people can think deeply and calmly in digital world. Their goal is often finishing something instead of thinking about something when using computers and phones. Reading book is able to allow people to relax minds, especially for non-work-related books.

My ideas origins from several places. In the article “Spacewar” by Stewart Brand, when I read some sentences mentioned “computers, Threat or menace”, “computer technicians are out of their bodies, locked in life-of-death space combat”, “ruining their eyes, numbing their fingers” and so on. Although this article mainly described the Spacewar game, but I started to consider in our modern life, many people overusing and relying on computers or phones also ruined their eyes, numbed their fingers, even damaged bodies. I wanted to intervene this event for some people. Although I cannot prevent all people from it, I could intervene some people, reminded them, and expressed my opposed opinions to current situations about overusing computers and phones.

This intervention game is one challenge for us, because you need have courage to interrupt people using electronics, talk with them, invite them to read books and make them support this intervention. We also can invite more than one people to play this game. Players can compete with each other and winner who should invite most people to take part in this intervention. If several people invited the same number of people, they can compare lengths of reading paragraph in the book.

Furthermore, in the Jejune Institute Films, I saw people navigated some remote places and seek their spiritual destination that they cannot find in the fast-paced cities. Hence, using electronics for working, studying and doing other busy activities make people no time to involve in deep thought and relax their minds. Intervening them lived in digital world and utilized book to help people for returning back to the real world and think deeply.

Another idea of my intervention comes from the “Tactics vs Strategies” course. Because I learnt our intervention is one tactical practices in the society. It will critique some social phenomenons, interrupted something we do not want to see. All intervention tactics is one short term activity. And I found intervention is not stopping people from actions directly, rather than used a special way to remind people, made people avoid for taking part in negative events or something we thought terrible and need to be prevented. An innovative and special advocacy opposites something that caused negative effects to society is a successful intervention. This kind of intervention shows the tactics and skills, like some Anti-War Game, non-violent protest, and so on. So, my intervention is not stopping people from using electronics directly, I used book and my ideas to remind them and help them to escape from digital world. I believed people are more willing to accept my ideas through this tactical way. The experience in my video proved it.





Artwork #3 Intervention – Law Abiding Citizen (GTA)

Documentation video:


About the Intervention:

So my intervention piece is based in the online world of GTA 5. In a world full of killers, robbers, explosions, lootings, street races, I decided to become a law abiding citizen for a while on a GTA online server. With that said, I drove my car around the city following the traffic laws. So I stopped when the light was red, I looked at the sides before cutting lanes, I got stuck in traffic, and most importantly I didn’t speed. Without any weapons to defend myself, I was left with the middle finger to give to players who followed me. Some of the players that followed me ended up killing me and destroying my car. I also walked around the streets, smoking cigarettes and drinking. I didn’t make my character run at all. Some players walked with me, but again some players just ended up killing me numerous times. Finally, after a few tries, I decided to drive to the airport and fly a plane like an actual pilot, following real world procedures. With that said, after my smooth departure, I ended up being shot down by other players. After flying, I decided to go on a long road trip down the highways of Los Santos with my truck. I ended the journey by parking at a diner and enjoying a nice meal there.

I thought this intervention was very interesting because in a world where all this violence happens, I decided to put some neutrality to that. I decided to play against the game rules and the game mechanics, to see how others would react, and to see what other gameplay experience I’d get out of that. It was certainly an interesting experience, a different one. I enjoyed it because of how others reacted. Some people laughed, some people didn’t care, and some people just followed along. Overall, I feel that this intervention was successful, because I was able to take this virtual world and modify it in a way.


I was inspired by many of the videos that we watched in class, such as the Youtube channel Improv Everywhere, and the use of the chat system in America’s Army. I thought it was really interesting to see how people would react to their interventions such as freezing in public, or lining up for a fake Apple store, or dressing up as BestBuy employees. By taking the usual everyday scenario and changing it, people were often shocked and confused, which was really funny to watch.

I was also inspired by the Youtube channels of LSPDFR and GTA Flight Crew. For LSPDFR, they enact different kinds of environments in the game with other players, such as escorting the president to the airport, cruising the city as police and fighting crime etc. They take the existing gameplay of GTA and modify it to give a different experience, thus really inspiring me to do my intervention. GTA Flight Crew is a channel that does realistic flying tips in GTA 5 with the planes in the airport. They follow real world procedures and try to implement those procedures in the world of GTA. Instead of flying like crazy, they fly professionally, thus bringing another experience to the aviation aspect of the game. Other games that have inspired by to do this intervention is Euro Truck Simulator, where you are required to drive to different destinations following proper road laws. So you could get fined for speeding, crashing, crossing red light etc. This game takes the conventions of driving in video games and takes it to another level. Finally, the mod of Atlas Life in Arma 3 was also a huge inspiration for mine. It is a mod that intervenes the combat gameplay of Arma 3. You play as a civillian and you can do all kinds of things like working, growing plants to sell, selling drugs, or joining law enforcement. Rather than shooting enemies, this mod brings a way different experience to Arma 3. Players live normal lives in the world, with laws to follow, in which they can get arrested and put in jail by other players if they break those laws. So the main inspiration for my intervention piece was how all these different examples intervene the existing gameplay, and modifying them to give different experiences to players.

I feel like many of Yoko Ono’s work, especially her scores in Grapefruit really create different kinds of interventions and have played a big role in the inspiration for my piece too. By instructing people to do what they wouldn’t usually do, things that were out of the norm, it really made her work unique forms of interventions. I think a good example is her “Walking Piece” in 1964, by asking the person to walk in the footsteps of the person in front in different places, it again really breaks the social norm and really changes the existing everyday scenario of walking on the streets into something fun. That piece is one of the many that inspired me to break the norm of GTA Online, to see how people would react, to see what experience I would get out of that intervention.

Please siT next to me


I have noticed that people sometimes are reluctant to interact with strangers in public. However, sometimes we have to interact with strangers, since we’re all living in the public places. Specially, every time when I took a subway, I saw people don’t sit next to strangers. There is always one or several empty seats between passengers. It’s kind of weird that people even would like to stand rather than sit with other passengers.


Pictures were took at 3:49 P.M on the orange line. Actually, there were lots of people standing, but they didn’t choose to have a seat in the middle of them.

The Game

By often being told to be nice to strangers to make the world better. I come up with this game to intervene the situation in the subway:

Players are given a double-sided paper note which one side of it has a sentence “You’re welcomed to sit next to me! :)” and the other side has “Please do not sit next to me. Sorry.” Players are asked to take a subway ride to certain stations and they have to show one side of note that they want. If player chooses the side with welcoming others to have a seat next to him, the player need talk to other passengers or do anything so that other passengers would like to sit next to him. If player chooses the side with the other side, they simply make others not sit next to him. (I know it’s so rude, but sometimes if we have a bad day or are bad-tempered , we would like to be alone.)


Game Start

I start from Massachusetts Ave to State. I choose the side with “sit next to me.”

  Before getting on the trains.

The first one. Give me a thumb up when I leave! Win!

The second one. Give me a fist pound when I leave! Win!

The third one? He actually came and sat next to me without looking my note. Give me a smile. Win or lose? It seems like he can’t understand what I was doing.


An example of intervention from the movie we watched on class tried to tell a story and bring people join together and give some instructions that they hardly do by themselves in real life. As a result, people feel involving in the story and get sense of fulfillment of finishing the given missions. This really inspired me to think about things that we don’t usually do as well as that can make people be involved in and feel better.

Often in classroom or on subway, I always notice that people sit so separately. They often like to sit with their friends or people whom they know rather than strangers. However, it’s common to meet with strangers in our life, since we’re all living in the public places. I heard some people complaining about they saw other passengers looking around and trying to find a seat, but ignore the empty seats next them. During my life, I was always told to be nice and passionate to strangers to make this world better from school or public service advertisings. Therefore, I really want to intervene the way people interact with strangers, especially in the situation that they have to share space with others together.

I sometimes also sit alone in classroom or subways, not because I don’t want to sit with others, but other people often choose not to sit with me. I am not sure the reason why they don’t sit next to me is they don’t want or they don’t know what I think about. What if I can tell them “Yes. Definitely you can sit next to me and I appreciate that”? Will they choose to sit next to me? It’s weird to yield out that I am glad others sitting next to me. As a result, I decide to use a paper note to let others know what I think and went to the subway or classroom to play my game. For subway, I need to choose a time that there are not too much and not too less people and most of seats were occupied by passengers. I notice that time from 9 am to 12 am in morning and 3 to 4 in the afternoon would be the best. The line I choose is orange line, since it’s the nearest one from school.

To intervene is to change some existing situations in our life or make these situations little better. Example of Barbie Liberation Organization really impressed me. I could tell from video of BLO that toy experts thought the event was terrible, but I thought it was really great and meaningful. I think Barbie Liberation Organization expressed that even a barbie doll wanted to be treated fairly. This example of intervention really challenges people’s prejudice to gender. Inspired by that , I wish my intervention could remind people to think about how will they treat strangers. Subway is a perfect place for doing this intervention, since people often are busy and running on their destinations. People will more likely neglect feelings of other passengers. I hardly see people smiling to me on the subway, maybe because they are too busy.  I wish people could be kind to strangers after playing this game at least in the public spaces like subway.

From my understanding of text reading, my game is more challenging than art performing. The game challenges the way how people interact with strangers.  If you treat one person nicely, that person maybe also treat others nicely.  By doing that we will make the city, the country and the world a better place. Although it is really hard to achieve this huge goal of making the world better, but why not start from doing little things around us.

15 Quotes that Will Change the Way You Treat People More

What I thought

At the beginning, I was reluctant to do this game because I had never done such activity in public and I didn’t know how others will act to my game. However, I finished this game finally, so I think I also intervene myself to overcome my social anxiety. I am glad that some people would like to sit next to me and talk with me. They were actually so nice, but they just didn’t get a chance to show it if you don’t treat them nicely. It was also cheerful that some of them give me a thumb up and a fist pound.

Indie/Art Game Show and Tell: Subsurface Circular

Subsurface Circular is a text-based adventure game lead by designer Mike Bithell of Thomas Was Alone fame. The game follows the story of a robotic detective taking the subway in a city filled with millions of these robots, or “Teks” that serve different jobs for human masters. The main Tek learns that other Teks are going missing, possibly being kidnapped, or worse. Theta, the main Tek, decides to investigate these disappearances, but all while on the subsurface circular (the titular subway system). The player uses dialogue choices and special detective abilities for Theta’s specific android model in order to link together clues gathered from different sources and to solve puzzles. The game’s story also deals with issues and topics of agency, control, truth, and justice, and does all of this using only text-based gameplay with no visible human characters.

Indie Game

Dead light

This is a Action & Puzzle game published in 2012. DEADLIGHT shows a story follows the journey of Randall Wayne, a man searching for his family across the disaster. The story takes the background of  Seattle during the aftermath of a 1980s event that has vanished most life on earth. Most people turned into zombies, and will attack you. This game will challenge you to run, jump, climb, and struggle for your life as you look for the truth of this disaster and your family.

In the game you have to find your way to the next stage, and make sure you will survive from the zombie attack. Since the player can barely fight, so he have to use some interaction with the background tools to kill the zombies, or you can use the weapon you picked up to kill the zombies, or you can just run. The game will end when you lose all your three lives. In the meantime, you have to collect all the journals that has been located in different places, so you can find out the truth behind the doom and find the hint to find your family.



This game is a 2D game with some mix with 3D scene. To me, I think it looks more like an art than a game. Because this game can show me a idea of the end of the world.



Favorite Indie Game: Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+

Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+

Image result for binding of isaac afterbirth plusThe Binding of Isaac is a  is an indie roguelike video game designed by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl and was released for Windows in 2011, but was then ported to other software and consoles, such as OS X, Linux, and the Nintendo Switch. The fanbase for this game is quite big, especially with a steady release of new DLC content. The Switch version comes with all the latest DLC content, including Afterbirth+. This game has procedurally generated levels, so you will never play the same map twice, and the item drops are random as well.

Often the items combine is creative ways, giving new and inventive power-ups and causing some pretty wacky combinations. Plus, these items often deform Isaac, and it is rather weird how he changed due to the items. The more you play the game, the more items are unlocked, and the story itself take a long time to unravel, but it is a rather dark story, especially when you realize Isaac’s weapon starts off as his own tears.

After you beat certain bosses a few times, you can progress past them, unlock new bosses and items, and even unlock new characters that each have their own abilities. Beating the game with these new characters unlocks even more content. The game is endless and packed to the brim with content. And if you ever, SOMEHOW, get bored of it, the PC version is able to install mods which adds new items or even new characters into the game.

Gameplay Clip:

