
by | Sep 24, 2024 | Artwork #1: Score, Uncategorized

I got the inspiration for Yranoitcip from a Leetcode session with my friends. One person would be at the board, coding based on the instructions given by the audience, and the next person would either continue or erase what had been written based on their own understanding. This sparked the idea to turn it into a competitive environment, where teams have to balance collaboration and misdirection to win.

Yranoitcip is a game designed for two teams with two drawers at the board, but here’s where things get tricky: the teams can give instructions to either draw or erase, and some players might even sabotage the drawing with misleading instructions. The goal? Get your team’s drawer to guess what’s being drawn before the other team!

Special shoutout to Yoko Grapefruit, who helped me shape the concept by adding more depth to the competition. She suggested the element of “hidden identities” to introduce more uncertainty, making it harder for players to know who’s helping and who’s sabotaging. This added an extra layer of strategy, where not only are the drawings at stake, but trust within the team becomes crucial to winning.

Rules Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y9B5rsfYI5aITZXs7Kcl7TXKdOCzdfwKs7UGJjfzMIo/edit?usp=sharing