To Jason

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Artwork #1: Score


Find A Piece of Papyrus and a Quill with ink

Using the Quill and ink make 25 dots on the paper

Number the dots randomly 1-25

In order connect the dots starting with 1

Ask a Friend If They Like it

If No:

Rip up the Papyrus

If yes:

Wait until their birthday, frame it, wrap it, and gift it to them

Original Score

There is actually very little reason to mention my original score as it had nothing to do with my final score but I thought it was also a good idea. The idea behind it was that very basic instructions would tell you how to play a certain chord on the guitar. The reason I liked this idea so much was because if I wanted to I could continue to make the score go further and further and get harder and harder by introducing new chords and strumming patterns. In short it would have become a very basic instruction guide on how to play the guitar. I scrapped this because no matter how specific and basic I got with the instructions to the score I was somewhat worried that without someone showing you how to play an instrument through a video or in person it can be hard. I figured without some sort of model there was a good chance that in practice the score did not succeed.

Final Score

This score was designed with Yoko Ono in mind. I liked the somewhat sadistic way she had extremely negative outcomes in many of her scores, however some of them were just too depressing for me (I have no desire to have the reader shoot through 100 panes of glass and send a map of each pane once a day to someone who hurt them). So I gave it a dual ending where my score can end positively or negatively. She also gave me the idea to use random objects in my piece which is why I specifically used the papyrus and quill instead of pen and paper, just to make it more fun. However I had two other sources of inspiration. It was my roommate’s birthday over the weekend. While we never do anything big for each other we always get each other small gifts (take them out to dinner, golfing, etc.). This year we did end up going golfing, but I thought that it would be interesting to dedicate this artwork to finding his next birthday gift. This leads me to my second source of inspiration. Connect the dots is a trivial and simplistic way of drawing. It is something that preschool children enjoy because turning a seemingly random pattern of dots into a picture is cool at that age. Last week I saw one of these books at CVS and I thought what if you take a seemingly random series of dots and turn it into something even more sporadic and crazy. Combining this and my minimal desire to go out and buy birthday gifts for people and you get my score. Originally called “Bad Friend” has now been retitled “To Jason.”