Collect the thoughts running around your head
Organize them as best you can
Choose one that you can stand by
Breath in
Artist Statement
When it comes to putting the score into practice, I didn’t have much trouble as this is something I try to do everyday. I have occasional anxiety and am not confrontational, so sometimes during a discussion I may give in even if I believe I’m still correct. By slowing down and breaking down my thought process, I have a easier time not only deciding on what I want to say, but can collect myself before speaking. By taking a breath before vocalizing my thought, I don’t feel rushed in my words and can make my point heard. This has also been a very helpful method while helping someone close to me who has been going through depression. There are many things I want to say or communicate, but whatever I choose to say must be solid, or I may risk them feeling worse. Making this score has been very helpful in reminding me to always take my time and say my words with care and meaning.
This score came to me while in my Foundations of Game Design class. One student was rambling on and on about whatever was popping in to their mind, and it seemed like they lost the meaning of their initial point along the way. If they didn’t have an initial point, then there was no reason for them to be talking. In other classes I’ve seen it as well and I’d be lying to say that I have never done it myself. I notice that after the rambling people tend to drop the subject out of embarrassment or not caring anymore , even if their original point was good. In those times I always wish for them to go back and explain more. If they said something, there was a reason for it, and I would enjoy listening to that reason as opposed to them talking for the sake of talking.
The only changes I made were changing “ones” to “one” in the 3rd line. After talking about the meaning of the score with the class and putting it into action, it makes most sense in theory and in practice to focus on that single thought.