One moment.

by | Mar 23, 2016 | Artwork #3: Intervene

In a class presentation, instead of actually presenting your piece, just sit down and don’t say a word. Like Yoko Ono’s Cutpiece, this piece involves sacrifice and absolute trust that the audience will understand your work. It also means that even the professor cannot know or expect this piece. The piece is best done when you have multiple vantage points, as I will have Manning record the class from the back of the room while I record the front.

I think if I were to do this piece again, I would be more obvious in recording the audience, in order to make the space feel more intervened and make them feel like they can’t ignore it. I would also stand to seem more assertive. Not only that, it would make sure the camera actually records the audience, as in my perspective, I had inadvertently tilted the camera upright too much.


My Perspective: