Cards game, cooperating, competitive, communication elements
Basing on my experience of university life,
Meaningful and important college events happened to me,
Learn, changed, improved my mindset or ability, affected my life and so on,
Found some inspirations from Friday indep & art game experience, The cost of life game, the book by Schrank.
Game (more specifically)
Characters: three main roles are students who came from three different majors: computer science, Sociology, and business major. Different major students can have one special quality that can provide advantage for him in the game. Other two roles: one professor, and maybe other roles like mentors, doctors, staffs and so on.
The firs year in the university
Five main events:
- Student Orientation:
- Get sickness
- Take a trip
- Fitness
- Do assignment at dinner time firstly/ take dinner firstly but maybe study later or study not good
- Study as one group for one project
- Club Activity:
- Assignments:
- Midterm Exam
- Final Exam
- Discusses with professor
Different decisions made in these events can make you obtain different things
Some attributes of players: health, grade, friendship, happiness,
In this game, we should learn to adapt the new environment, learn to have to give up something because we have limited time and energies. Monitor the real situations happened to me in the university.