Required Materials:
- At least one full Jenga set.
- People
Rules and Instructions: This game can be played by 2-4 players.
- Split the number of Jenga pieces evenly among all players.
- Each player will now construct a fortification out of Jenga pieces. The player will also set one piece aside as the “ammo piece.” [BUILD PHASE]
- The players will take turns attempting to destroy each other’s Jenga fortification with their “ammo piece.” The “ammo piece” can only be thrown at the defending fortification. [BATTLE PHASE]
- Any Jenga piece that falls off of the defender’s fortification during the Battle Phase is now considered the attacker’s war spoil and the attacker takes possession of those piece(s). [PLUNDER PHASE]
- The player who manages to accumulate the most Jenga pieces by the end of the game is declared the winner. The players may determine a set time at which to end the game or can simply end the game when one person owns all of the Jenga pieces.
Note: Please do not to throw Jenga pieces at people no matter how angry they make you throughout the course of the game.