
2D Overwatch

2D Overwatch:

How to play:

This game is a simplified version of “Overwatch.” So the rules are also therefore straightforward.  It involves two players: Player A spawns on the left side of the scene, while Player B spawns on the right. Both players can shoot bullets at each other. When a player’s hp reaches 0, they need to wait to respawn.

The objective is the center of the map. Both players should try to capture the objective by just standing on it. The first player that reaches 100 points wins the game.

Artist’s statement:

Getting new players into “Overwatch” is hard because it’s tough to start playing. One of the reasons is that it is difficult to get started. Blizzard may have noticed this, maybe that is why they’re adding tutorials. The FPS part and the complicated maps make it hard for beginners.

Therefore, I came up with the idea of making an Overwatch without those elements which is a 2D version of it. Initially, my idea is to make it network-connected, so the players can control the direction of bullets with their mouse and I could add more players to the game in the future. But after trying to network in Unity for 3 days, I decided to give that feature up and redesign the entire game to make it can fit within one laptop. Also, because I’ve wasted so many days trying the network feature, at last, I

didn’t get enough time to implement the abilities to the game.

I was trying to set up the network.

But after several play tests, I would say the gameplay went better than I expected. Since there are no abilities, it is very easy for the players to get started and be good at it.

this was my first playtest

This project took some inspiration from “Pac-Manhattan”, the game that appropriates Pac-Man into the real world and make it easy to get into. Our game does the same for “Overwatch.” It’s more straightforward now. Also, In the Data Movement, artists made the audience see normal things differently, for example Duchamp’s “L.H.O.O.Q.”, our game makes “Overwatch” different and simpler, which changes the experience of gameplay.

Find The Strongest Heart:


computers with Overwatch

Something can measure heart rates/ blood pressure (apple watch, phone…)

need 2-3 players


Players need to measure their heartbeats before and after a regular Overwatch competitive gameplay. Use the heart rates after minus the heart rates before to get the current score of players. The player with the lowest score wins the game.

Artist statement:

Overwatch is a toxic game that often leads players to experience heightened emotions during the gameplay. Defeats in the game can trigger frustration and anger. As they get rages, their blood pressure or heart rates may increase. Therefore, the person with the lowest score could be considered as the calmest. By rewarding the player who maintains the lowest increase in heartbeats, this game encourages players to stay calm and despite the toxic gaming environment. It challenges the notion that winning or losing a match is the only measure of success in gaming and suggests that emotional control is equally valuable.

Before playing:

second round:

lose the game:

After losing for all night! (still the same heart rate)


I tried to borrow my friend’s watch, but we got some time conflict so I can only use the app on my phone to measure the heartbeat instead. I played this game several times myself. But measuring with my phone didn’t work as I expected. My heartbeats were 76 before playing. However, when I measured the heartbeat after an annoying and frustrating round, it was still around 80. I tried a few times and played four games in total, but the heartbeats just stick with 70 – 80. Maybe in the future, I could try to measure the heartbeats with other equipment. I found this game shares some similarities with Yoko Ono’s cut piece in that both projects explore vulnerability and emotional states. While “Cut Piece” focuses on physical vulnerability through cutting clothes, this game focuses on emotional vulnerability while playing Overwatch. On the other side, because Overwatch is such a toxic game to play, the players may face emotional stress and strain. And that can connect to Chris Burden’s “Doomed” which challenges limits of the body and personal endurance


Texas Holdem -but with action card!

To play the game, first, you need to know about a regular Texas holdem. Texas Hold’em’s a card game with four times to bet. Everybody gets two cards, and there are five more cards on the table. You can choose to drop out, match the bet, or raise during the betting times. The point is to make the best hand you can with your cards and the ones on the table. The person with the best hand wins. The dealer button moves around the table, and your goal is to win chips from the others.

But in this version:

Alongside the regular number cards, there are also “action cards” mixed into the deck, in order to add a twist to the gameplay.

Players have the freedom and are encouraged to use these action cards at any point during the game. when a player decides to play an action card, they must draw another card from the deck, to keep the same number of cards in their hand.


Also, in this version, you are not betting with chips. Instead, you are betting with the parts of your body. For example,  If I have a good hand, I may raise the bets to 1 eye. At the end of the round, the one with the strongest hands can keep his/her bets, while the other players can’t use one of his eyes for the rest of the game. The player loses the game when the player is unable to continue playing with no eyes or no fingers.

Artist statement:

This project is inspired by the appropriations in the Dada movement. This project reflects the Dadaist approach of taking existing objects and recontextualizing them to create unexpected art. There were lots of appropriations about chess during the movement, for example, Yoko Ono’s Play It by Trust, Takako Saito’s Sound Chess, and Spice Chess. My initial idea was to combine poker with UNO, so the cards dealt were UNO instead. But when I searched “Poker * UNO” on Google, I found someone in this class had a similar idea and already posted it in 2016.  Therefore instead of UNO, I combined it with action cards. Those action cards brought more randomness and strategies to poker. Players in this game can also use action cards at any time, altering the gameplay in unexpected ways. This is also a kind of appropriation as Dada art often featured unexpected and irrational elements.


Score of a Cooking Game


The players draw a dish card from the dish deck.

Carefully analyze the ingredients and picture of the dish on the Card

based on those materials, try to figure out the steps of making that dish

go through the “Score Guide”, one correct step for one point

the player with the most points wins!



The reason why I made this game is because I thought it would be interesting to combine culinary recipes with board games. Theoretically, since everyone is on their own team, this game can be played with an infinite amount of people as long as you have enough cards for them. But because we only have two cards available, I would say at this moment, it is a game for 1 -2 people.

This game invites players to explore their culinary intuition by analyzing pictures of dishes and a list of ingredients. These elements serve as a canvas for players to envision the steps necessary to bring these dishes to life. As players must come up with their own recipes based on the materials, it’s just like painting on an empty canvas.