Month: December 2017

Artwork #4: The Bush Troll


The Bush Troll


Throughout this course, I’ve consistently started with concepts far too difficult to realize without the ability to code or create digital games or art forms. For this final project, I sought the simplest realization of the idea in terms of experience. I started with an IRL survival game, inspired by games like Fortnite Battle Royale, PUBG and Town of Salem, but also non-video games like Avalon (board game) and variations of Mafia (as played in grade schools) and Assassin (as played in boarding school and college).

Focused on simplicity, I declined any necessary artifacts for this game beyond the set of rules. My initial concept seemed fun, but as soon as I started trying to play different variations, it grew increasingly more awkward and felt more pervasive as I kept trying to deliver candy unnoticed, which took away too much from the conceptual experience in mind. Therefore, I destroyed the intervention involved in the original idea, and replaced it with a conceptual game based on the utility offered by elementary school versions of Mafia.

I tried to recall as many instances of the game as possible, each offering relief from the academic and social pressures, the experience enhanced by our knowledge of each other and our personalities. This game follows a similar schema, in which the player experience would be enhanced by playing with friends, and the game itself can be played anywhere. I couldn’t recall if we used the different roles across elementary school variations, like a doctor/medic or more mystical roles like a vampire or witch, but, as Fortnite Battle Royale was the original inspiration, I based all roles and the conceptual atmosphere entirely on their map and player base.

This particular conceptualization was inspired by Fortnite’s unfortunately high graphical demand that hinders many players from playing on PC. I never had a lot of gamer friends, so as I pitched the game to friend group after friend group, I started to realize how limited the player base could be simply based on graphic intensity. In Fortnite’s case, they actually offer cross-platform gaming, but I’ve transcribed this practice in the form of a conceptual game that requires no artifacts, only knowledge of the rules.


* = team

  • 6 Players
  • 1 Narrator (Moderator/Game Master)
    • 7 total
  • 1 Sniper
    • Attacks every day
  • 1 Bush
    • Sees everything that happens at night
    • The all-knowing troll
  • 1 Medic*
    • Protects one player every day
    • Can protect yourself
  • 1 Protector*
    • Armored unit that must suffer two shots to be killed
    • Medic only affects the lethal shot (second shot)
  • 2 Fraggers*
    • The average competitor

The game begins with players sitting in a roughly circular orientation, eyes closed, and one fist held out. The narrator must select a player to represent the Sniper, the Bush, and the Medic, with the remaining players as Fraggers, aka regular players. The narrator will place her hand on the shoulder of each selected player; then, the medic will raise their thumb (thumbs up sign), the sniper will point a thumb down (thumbs down sign), the protector will open the fist, and the bush opens her eyes to see all roles

The Scene:

Welcome to The Bush Troll! You six are the only remaining players in the Battle Royale. One meticulous team has managed to survive without any casualties and constructed a small base, hindered only by their average gear and position on low ground. Hidden in the mountains rests a lonely sniper, hoping to pick off remaining survivors, but can only afford to shoot once per day to avoid being caught. Finally, there remains another survivor, hidden in one of infinitely possible bushes across the map. Armed with mediocre equipment, and stranded alone on the island, the Bush has no hopes for victory, but sees everything that happens around the map, and uses this knowledge to deter players from reaching their goals as much as possible.

Narrator Script Schema/Example:

  1. Everybody close your eyes and stick out a fist. If I touch your shoulder, you are the Sniper; please point your thumb down as if doing a thumbs down sign. If I touch your shoulder, you are the medic; please point your thumb up. If I touch your shoulder, you are the Protector; please open your fist. If I touch your shoulder, you are the Bush Troll; please open your eyes and see the map. As the first not of the Top 6 has begun, medic please point at the player you wish to protect. Sniper please select your target. Bush, close your eyes. Everyone lower your fists, the night is over.
  2. Last night… player was killed/player was shot but recovered thanks to immediate treatment from the medic/He shot a bush!
    • The game is played on a day/night cycle. At night, the medic protects a player, the sniper shoots a player, and the bush watches it all unfold, hoping to delay the game as much as possible. During the day, the democratic group of survivors vote on who to shoot down, and must have a majority vote among players (>50%)
    • The Sniper wins by eliminating all players
    • The Fraggers/Medic/Protector win by eliminating the Sniper, and win as a team (dead players still earn a victory if their teammates later succeed)
    • The Bush does not win, but can create a stalemate if the last one alive with a non-Sniper
  3. Day cycle begins: Voting for the firing squad
    1. Voting players to death revolves around information, and information is tied directly to the medic and protector; the first version of this game lacked both of these special roles, added due to a serious lack of direction during the day (voting period). By adding the medic and protector, players can find guaranteed good guys, and offer a lot more information geared towards identification of the sniper
  4. Night cycle begins again: Everyone please close your eyes; bush open your eyes and see the map, medic please point at the player you wish to protect; sniper please point at your target; please lower your fingers, bush close your eyes; everyone, the night is over.
  5. Repeat

Author’s Note:

Much of the difficulty in creating this game revolved around creating unique roles that can search for information while sticking to the same themes and concepts that surround survival games. To that end, I appropriated many of the game mechanics involved in the games Mafia, Avalon (board game), and Town of Salem. Specifically, in Avalon players hold out a fist with either thumb up or no thumb up to indicate to the all-knowing player to which team each member belongs. From Mafia, I specifically wanted the sense of relief it brought during grade school, and focused on the social aspects of the game; how personal interactions and relationships enhanced the experience, especially with regard to playstyles, friend groups, and the idea of tells. Town of Salem is probably my favourite variation of the game, consisting of myriad roles and game modes; I played a lot of ToS to understand the dynamic between special roles and information.

Moreover, I wanted this game to conceptually and thematically reference Fortnite’s Battle Royale. Throughout the creation of this game, I held snapshot images in my head of every relatable interaction I had in the game. I conclude this final iteration with a selection of images that represent many of the thematic concepts I attempted to transcribe into The Bush Troll.


The Bush:

The Protector (The one with jelly/shields):

Cover the Medic!


Notes on the Process:

The core gaming concept in The Bush Troll is the idea of taking what you get. In competitive games especially, there are often mistakes one simply shouldn’t make, but that does not necessarily mean they don’t occur. I recently made one of those mistakes in a League of Legends scrim, and my teammate said “… in competition we take what we get.” In terms of competitive gaming, this is probably the best advice I’ve ever received; I’m a very emotional player, and it’s especially important (and difficult) for me to keep my composure. Therefore, I landed on the Mafia/Town of Salem style, which epitomizes the concept of taking what you get. Despite all the conversation, all arguments, all the lies and all the facts, ultimately only a few can impact the current situation (who dies and who lives).

Much like Fortnite’s Battle Royale, players tend to simply take what they can get. It is a misconception that everyone is playing to win; more often than not, players drop onto the island without any more direction than to scavenge equipment and/or kill the nearby players. Some of the most popular streamers have developed their appeal around their combat skill, dropping into games with the sole purpose of eliminating as many players as possible. In contrast, one of the most gifted players, I’m the Myth, boasting a dangerously positive win rate, has no more than a few hundred views on YouTube compared to the 20-100 thousand watching the other’s content. In short, players are more interested in watching gifted players kill insurmountable numbers of other players rather than watch the player with a near perfect strategy.

Finally, I want to address the in-between concepts I scrapped while attempting to realize my alternate survival concept. The most prominent was a White Chess inspired variation based on Bobby Fischer’s Chess960 – an alternate game mode that he argued took more skill as opposed to the rote memorization characteristic of standard chess. Drawing on the idea I pitched for Handicapped Chess, in which I wanted a digital version of chess in which only one player knew whose pieces belonged to whom, and various penalties for the other player when she attempted to move the wrong piece. The only non-digital version I could imagine used an all-white chess board with markings on the back of one set of pieces, but the angle of the board and player positions proved too difficult to orient (limited playability).

The survival version had all players start as pawns, capturing scattered bishops, rooks, and knights, each representative of weapons, and in turn using them against your opponents. Ultimately, I failed to find a balanced set up of the board that both mimicked the map in Fortnite Battle Royale and presented a balanced set of move options – I lacked the chess knowledge necessary to devise this sort of game out of standard pieces, although I plan to return to the idea of using chess pieces and tactics to teach game theory and mechanics.

Last, the second variation of the IRL survival game I called Viral Survival (previous post) died because it failed to generate the sensation and emotion that drives the survival games on which this project was based. Version 2 specifically addressed the candy mechanic and win conditions, but playtesting grew increasingly difficult and felt more pervasive as time went on. In short, a Battle Royale is not meant to engender general discomfort, but rather specific sensations related to control (like agency in life) combined with an element of chance comprised of a combination of player interaction and RNG (in The Bush Troll, RNG is represented by the randomness in decision-making behind the Sniper).

Artwork #4: Color Poker


Standard game of Texas Hold’Em

I kept track of everyone’s money using a notebook

Script / Statistics

Color Poker

How to Play

Objective: Get out of debt


  • If you are a female, you will make 80% of your earnings (i.e – $4 on a $5 win)
  • If you are a colored person, you will make 73% of your earnings (i.e – $73 on a $100 win)
  • If someone is a colored female, take 73% of the earnings first, then take 80% percent of that
  • If you go broke, you lose
  • Standard Poker rules

WIN = Colored must reach $52, White must reach $28


  • Everyone starts with $10
  • MIN BET: $2 / MAX BET: $10

Artist Statement

I was not sure what I wanted to create when I first heard the project details. I knew that I could not make a digital game given the time I had and my lack of experience. Therefore, I knew I had to make an analog game. My first idea was to use Monopoly and create something based on that. However, I could not get Monopoly in time, so I ended up using poker cards instead.

I had several sources of inspiration. First, I really liked “Room at the Top” that we played in class. I enjoy being able to play as different “races” and having unique abilities. In Color Poker, your race determines how much money you make on winnings. Also, I believe my work draws inspiration from Yoko Ono. Besides “Cut Piece”, “White Chess” is a favorite of mine. “White Chess” uses all the mechanics of chess, but her message on people and race comes from her decision to make all of the pieces white. With my game, none of the poker rules are changed; the amount of money someone earns changes based on their race. Lastly, my inspiration comes from having played games like “Privilege Walk”. Essentially, everyone begins in a line, and people move forward or backward based on answers to questions like race, gender, or sexuality. By playing Color Poker, it is clear to see how someone of color is disadvantaged compared to someone who is not of color.

When testing my game, as someone of color, I almost never won. However, I chose poker because the cards you are dealt are random, so everyone has the chance to win. It is just that it is harder to reach the end goal as someone of color because of your situation. I think that the game turned out well, and I see Color Poker as more of a performance than a game.



Artwork #4: A Year in Her Life

About the Game:

For the final project, I created a highly immersive narrative based game that is essentially a cross between an escape room and the game Gone Home. Gameplay takes the form of engaging with physical artifacts as players sort through the protagonist’s (Lily’s) belongings and learn about her life, her struggles with mental illness, an abusive relationship, her loss of innocence, and her sense of identity. The concept is fairly straightforward but its design was very carefully considered and each artifact was carefully selected in order to achieve a certain feeling/impact/experience for the player. While the overall narrative may be hard to explain in a meaningful way, this game’s meaning undoubtedly comes from the narrative and the physical space that the player interacts with.

The game contains several artifacts. They are as follows:

A lamp

A letter from Lily’s mother

A DVD given to her by “J” (Jake)

A polaroid camera

Several books, one of which contains hints to a password that unlocks Lily’s computer

Lily’s computer, which contains a password-protected folder that contains transcripts of Facebook conversations Lily and her abusive boyfriend Jake have had

And, most importantly, a journal, which tracks a year in Lily’s life

The entire setup

The letter from Lily’s mother

A hint page in one of the books


Sample of a Facebook conversation found in locked folder on Lily’s computer

The journal

Sample pages from journal:

All of these artifacts, which the player gains and uncovers by examining other artifacts, piecing together information, and solving puzzles, help to tell Lily’s story. It becomes clear why each of them are in the space as the player begins to piece together the story and draw conclusions. Each artifact was carefully chosen with the purpose of immersing the player in Lily’s story and making the setting and story feel more real and relatable.

The journal is the artifact that tells the majority of Lily’s story, though the Facebook messages and other artifacts help fill in some of the blanks. In addition to straightforward entries, the journal contains pictures that create visual representations of what Lily is feeling. During times of high anxiety, the pictures are more gruesome and are generally pretty creepy and highly abstract, and during more relaxed times, there are more straightforward, representational images. Often during these more relaxed periods of her life, there are no pictures at all, meant to represent the fact that she can adequately express how she is feeling with her words, while her anxiety and depression are harder to verbally express.

Each entry in the journal has a date on it, and during stressed times, Lily will write several entries a week, whereas during relaxed times, she will check in only about once a month. The dates also help the player to keep tabs on her abusive relationship, as, towards the end of the journal, Lily begins to write less and less even though she expresses feeling high anxiety, as her significant other is beginning to demand more and more of her and she finds herself spreading herself far too thin and feeling trapped.

Playtests/Player Feedback:

I conducted two playtests of the entire, completed game. The playtests took about 20-25 minutes each. Footage of one (along with the player’s thoughts) is available at the link at the bottom of this post.

Both players had very positive reactions to the game. They said that the game was very intense and immersive and that they easily emotionally connected with Lily, allowing them to gain a sense of authentic empathy for those who may struggle with some of the same problems as Lily. Overall, I think that this game accomplishes exactly what I intended, and based on the players’ reactions, I think it may have the potential to have even more of an emotional impact on players than I initially imagined.


I was largely inspired by the indie artgame Gone Home, which, similarly to my game, tells the story of an elusive protagonist who never actually makes an appearance in the game. Yet, by the end of the game, the player is meant to feel very connected to the protagonist and to have empathy for her circumstances. I was going for a very similar theme with A Year in Her Life. I wanted to apply certain ideas that I really care about that are not generally portrayed in games and create a sense of empathy within the player for those who struggle with these things. I very quickly knew that, unlike Gone Home, I wanted A Year in Her Life to take place in a physical space, as I think that the actual physical presence of artifacts made the story feel more real and made Lily feel like a real person. This was definitely a decision I made with class teachings in mind, as I carefully considered the atmosphere and medium of the game and how this would impact the player’s experience, which is one of the main concepts I took away from this class. This project really gave me the chance to carefully consider the artifacts I would use, the forms they would take, how they would aesthetically work together, and how this would impact the overall mood and tone of the game and narrative. I think that the unit that most impacted the choices I made while designing this artwork was the intervention- I wanted to create the feeling of almost a reverse intervention in which the player is intervening in the life of a character that doesn’t actually exist, but I still wanted the player to feel as if they were intervening in some way and being invasive, and based on player reactions, I would say that this was accomplished.

Documentation/Video of Gameplay:

Artwork #4 Final Iteration Freshmen Challenge Game

Tabletop role playing Game: Freshmen Challenge

This is one tabletop role playing game. The game story based my first semester experience of university life. There are three players who can select three different roles randomly. Three roles are students who come from different majors: Computer Science, Sociology, and Business major. Different major students can have one special quality that can provide advantages in game. There are six chapters in the game and every chapter represents two weeks in the semester. In every chapter, some events will happen and players should make some choices for these events just like they make decisions when facing some situations in the university. Every player will have five attributes including health, grade, friendship, happiness and scholarship. Every event has one rule and decisions made by players will make them gain points for these attributes or lose points. Player should utilize their major advantages and try to balance their attributes. When each event happens, players do not know rules of event until after making choices.


Attributes of characters:

Health Level: serious ill (1), disease (2), uncomfortable (3), sub-health (4),  common (5 – 7), health (8 – 10)

Grade Level: Fail (1 – 2) Poor achievement (3 – 4),   Good achievement (5 – 6),                        Satisfactory achievement (7 – 8), Outstanding achievement (9 – 10)

Friendship Level: unknown to public (1 – 3), sociable (4 – 5), glamorous (6 – 8),  popular (9 – 10)

Happiness Level: grieve (1 – 2), depression (3 – 4), dull (5 – 6), happy (7 – 8), excited (9 – 10)

Scholarship: Every month, when players’ grade level is higher or equal to 7, they can obtain one happiness and one friendship point.

Attention: If any score of four levels is too low, you will face some serious consequence.

Original Status:  Health: 5   Grade: 3   Friendship: 3   Happiness: 5


The characters of the game

  1. Business students:

Special characteristics: Every month (two chapters) you can gain one more friendship because you have good communicative skills and social ability. But you will lose one grade because you spend much time on social activities.

  1. Computer Science Students

Special characteristics: Special characteristics: Every month you can gain one more grade point because you have good learning skills. But you will lose one friendship every month because you are not family with communicating with others.

  1. Sociology Students:

Special characteristics: Every month (two chapters) you can gain one happiness point because you can analyze some social activities and enjoy them, but you also will lose one grade point because you did not spend much on professional courses.


The first-semester life in the university

Many main events and every event you can make different decisions

Every half of month is one chapter:

The first chapter:

  1. Student Orientation: Introduce yourself to other players:
  • Discussed with other fresh students: Gain one friendship point
  • Just leave and prepare for the upcoming learning: Gain one grade point
  • Just leave and play with your old friends: Gain one happiness point
  1. Because new semester is coming, many clubs invited you to join:
  • Choose to join one club: Every chapter, you can get one friendship and one happiness point, but every month you will lose one grade point
  • Do not join any club: Every chapter, you can get one grade point but every month you will lose one happiness
  1. Now, you should make one new plan for your semester, you are considering whether choose to do fitness every week
  • Do fitness on weekends: Every chapter gain one health point
  • Study in the library on weekends: Every chapter gain one grade point
  • Play with your friends: Every chapter gain one friendship point, you must make friends with at least one player

The second chapter:

  1. Because there are many assignments in this week and due day is coming, the tutoring time is in dinner time 6 pm, now you need to make some choices
  • Ask tutors for help and do assignment, but do not eat dinner and put off dinner time to midnight: gain one grade point but lose one health point
  • Enjoy your dinner and decide to solve problems solely: gain one health point and lose one grade point

The third chapter:

  1. There is one group project you need to finish, now you have some choices to do:
  • Find some students you are not family with to make one group: Gain two friendship points: throw one coin: head side gain two grade points, tail size lose two grade points, because you did not know your partners are good or not, maybe they are good at studying, but maybe they will do nothing in the group assignment
  • Find your friends in this class to make one group: Gain one friendship point and one grade points.
  1. The midterm exam is coming:

Any player whose grade is higher than 6 can gain one happiness point, and others lose one happiness point

The fourth chapter:

  1. The winter has come:

Any player’s health is lower or equal to 5 will get one sick: lose one grade points, one friendship and one happiness point.

  1. Your classmates organize one activity and invited some people to join:
    Any player’s friendship is lower or equal to 5 cannot take part in this activity: If players take part in it successfully, they can obtain one friendship and one happiness. Players who did not take part in it will lose one happiness point because they felt disappointed with it.

The fifth chapter:

  1. Thanksgiving holiday and make decisions:
  • Study at home: gain two grade points
  • Stay with your family gain two happiness points
  • Take one trip with your friend: gain one friendship and happiness point

The final chapter:

  1. Final Exam is coming:

Any player whose grade is higher than 6 can gain one happiness point and one friendship because they want to study with you, and others lose one happiness point

In this game, we should learn to adapt the new environment, learn to have to give up something because we have limited time and energies. It monitors real situations happened to me in the university.

Artist’s Statement:

From the Schrank’s Avant-garde Video Games book, I understand the avant-garde art game is not just one game, more important essences show they contain some cultural forces and other meaning ideas which makers want to express through games. In fact, I found purposes of four assignments we designed and created are not only for creating something for entertainment, but also, they inspired our creative, critical and artistic ideas and inspirations. The process of creating taught me a lot. Hence, in this final assignment, I want to combine these elements and created one independent and special game.

Firstly, after experienced the Friday independent and art game activity, I obtained much ideas about my game. Because that activity asked players to choose different status card, make groups and cooperate with each other, finish one project together and compete with other groups. The whole process included social status, communication skills, group work, competition and many conflict human nature problems. Therefore, I wanted to create one game that also can reflect some social problems or something we should learn for our future life. I wish my game not only can provide happiness for players, but also can affect them, bring some new deep thinking about their actions and decisions they made in their life. My original idea is about using my common school life elements to construct my game, especially for my American University. Because I found many events happened in my university life, especially for first year, told me how to confront some difficulties, control our motions, how to adapt unfamiliar environment, how to communicate and collaborate with others. Experiences in university have many related and important elements of our future social life.

Later, I saw the Cost of life game and played this Avant-garde Video Game. I found some elements I like and want to use, such as different characters for players, some attributes that can show results when some events happen and help player to judge something in the game, some special events will bring exciting points in the game and so on. In my game, attributes related to students including health, grade, friendship and so on. Roles are students who come from different majors. Because game should provide colorful elements like strategy, advantages, drawbacks and decisions made. Hence, I gave different roles special characteristics but also include disadvantages.

For considering this point, because in our first chapter “Score”, I know the game originated from life and when unity of art and life become part of game, this game will be endowed unique values. Elements in game indeed are representatives of some situations in life. The game is fair just like life is unbiased. In my game, computer science student is good at studying but are not familiar with communication. Business students focused on social skill because they want to run business and cooperate with people. For corresponding problems, they cannot spend much time on studying. Another point was random, because sometimes we have to rely on our luck in life. Score work taught me accidents hidden in life can create something beautiful and interesting result. I added this element in my game. For one event in my game, players can choose to work with strangers and friends. Choosing friend means they do not want random result and wish to get expected consequence. Choosing strangers means they want to one random result and do adventures. Random result can bring us more surprised but also maybe one depression.

Furthermore, the concepts of intervention promoted me to obtain more inspirations. Because intervention wants help people get rid of problems even dilemma that sometimes they did not feel. My game also wants to help students, especially for freshmen in the university to escape from nervous and confused conditions when they came to university first time. Hence, in this game, I picked up some meaningful and important college events happened to me and added some cooperating, competitive, and communication elements. The goal of this game is not gaining higher attributes. I wish players can experience, learn, and enjoy the process of making choices for their life. Because these events changed my mindset, improved my abilities and affected me a lot. I wished to provide my first-year university life experience for them and intervene them from dilemma that first time to go into university. I consider some problems I faced and freshmen will also face.

In conclusion, this game contains my university life experience, my story, feelings, and my harvest. I wish players can obtain my feeling and experiences from this theme game and simulated events. Winning is not always the final goal of one game. Experience can teach you a lot in the game, especially for the Avant-garde game.

Artwork #4 Experience Final Draft: You are wealthy

Artist Statement:
The Avant-garde Video Games book by Brian Schrank has showed us that artists use different strategies to accomplish their goals, and Brian Schrank points out that the core value of avant-garde game is the main idea and perspective. Throughout the course, I have learned a lot about the art of games. I have learned that game designing is not only focusing on the playing experience, but also it is a way for author to deliver messages. Therefore, I decide to create a board game that deliver my message. I find that modern people are following the mainstream of materialism and focus on money more than anything else. People do not realize what they have right now is considered wealthy. The message I want to express through the game is to appreciate with what we have right now and help people to understand that a healthy, well functioned body is our best wealth.
I have used the knowledge of Appropriation and the inspiration from Dada, which is using existing games for a different purpose in my creation. I used two existed games called Desktop Basketball and Finger Soccer as mini-games in my creation to emphasize the importance of our health. Also, I have used the readings of happening art and the Yoko Ono’s work in Grapefruit as a part of my creation inspiration. The idea of happening have led me to think about what we see in our normal life, so I thought about the materialism phenomenon in modern society which helped me to further develop my game.
Preparation: 4 players and 1 dealer, Desktop Basketball, Finger Soccer, earplugs, and cards.
Goal: Make 1 million dollars ($1,000,000)
1. Rock, paper, scissors to decide who to start and the winner decides the turn will go clock-wise or counter clock-wise.
2. The first person will take an offer card from a shuffled deck given by the dealer.
Offer Cards include (Player will get the amount of money from the dealer):
  • $50,000 for your one of your arm. (Selling it will cause disadvantage in the mini-games later.)
  • $50,000 for your one of your leg. (Selling it will cause disadvantage in the mini-games later.)
  • 200,000 for your ears (You can not hear people after you sell it, and cover up your ears with earplugs.)
  • $200,000 for your mouth (You can not speak after you sell it.)
  • $800,000 for your eyes (Have to close your eyes after you take the deal.)

The player will choose to either take the deal or give up this round. Then, put the offer card back to the deck, shuffle it, move to next person, and repeat the process.

3. After all 4 players had their round to draw the offer card. Each  player will draw a mini-game card from the shuffled deck. Each player will choose to play the mini-game or give up the mini-game chance and move on to the next player.

Mini-Games cards include:

  • Desktop Basketball with Dealer.
  • Desktop Basketball with Any player you choose. (The player that has been chosen cannot refuse to play)
  • Finger Soccer with Dealer.
  • Finger Soccer with Any player you choose. (The player that has been chosen cannot refuse to play)

If the player decide to play the mini-game, he will first bet any amount of money that he has. He will get double of the amount he bet if he wins the mini-game, and he will lose the amount of the bet if he lose.

Rules for Mini-Games:

  • Desktop Basketball
    1. The player that makes first shot will win, start with the player that draws the mini-game card. If no one makes shot within their shot chances, then no one will receive money and move on to next player.
    2. If the player did not sell any of his arm, he will have 5 shots chance.
    3. If the player sold one of his arm, he will have 3 shots chance.
    4.  If the player sold both of his arm, he will have 1 shot chance.
  • Finger Soccer
    1. The player that makes first shot will win. If no one makes shot in 60 seconds, then no one will receive money and move on to next player.
    2. If the player did not sell any of his leg, he will have 2 fingers to play the Finger Soccer.
    3. If the player sold of his leg, he will have only 1 finger to play the Finger Soccer.
    4. If the player sold both of his leg, he cannot participate in the Finger Soccer.
  • For playing with dealer, dealer will give the amount of betting money to that player from the bank if the player wins, and player will give the betting money to the bank if the player loses.
  • For playing with another player, player 1 will give the betting amount of money to player 2 if player 2 wins the game, and player 2 will give the betting amount of money to player 1 if player 1 wins the game.

4. After all 4 players had their round to draw the Mini-game card, we will repeat the process 2 and 3. The game will stop whenever someone has 1 million dollars on his hand.