Month: February 2016

Mondrian Chess(1st Iteration of Appropriation Game)

Name: Mondrian Chess


  • A base board
  • Pieces of Mondrian paintings (which is called “block” in this game)


(Figures above are several examples of the “easy level” of Mondrian Chess)


  • Players play rock paper scissors to decide who goes first.
  • Each block of color is one chess piece in this game. They are separated and are taken down from the base board.
  • In each turn, one player select one piece of block and put it at one of the corners, then the other player put another piece of block, which must has at least two sides touched the side of chessboard or the blocks already existed.
  • When one player put down his/her block and the opponent has no place to put down another block, then the player who put down the last block wins the game.
  • Depends on different sizes of the base board, this game can include 2-8 players.

Here are some more examples of “higher level” of the Mondrian Chess:





In this game, you don’t have to try to put the blocks in the same way as the original painting. However when you try to mess up the chessboard, it may make both of your opponent and you difficult to continue this game, so you need to decide when to start the “attack” based on the shape of blank on the board and the shape of the rest of the blocks.


Yue Yu

First Iteration for Appropriation

An Arena for High Stakes Chess (tentative title)


  • Chess Pieces
  • Krosmaster Arena and accessories
  • Deck of cards


Players play rock paper scissors to see who goes first, that winner may choose black or white, it doesn’t matter.

Players set-up the board;

This is done by first placing down obstacles for the opposing player,

This is done by using the Arena accessories such as trees, crates, and bushes.

The player who lost the rock, paper, scissors may set down up to 4 in any spot that he/she wishes first. Then the other player does the same.

Then both players setup the board as they would in regular chess,

The players must stay in the first two rows on their side, but they can as be spread out as they want, there are “12” spots, for 8 pieces per row, so there will be space.

Once set up the players can start the game.

Changes to the Chess Rules:

All pieces that had restricted movement can now move an extra space if they wish,

(this is for pawn, king, and knight)   

Pawns can now also start by moving 4 spaces forward on their first move if they so choose to.

If there is an obstacle in the way, the piece can move around it by making adjacent steps (not diagonal) around the obstacle.

Knights can jump over crates and bushes.

When capturing an opponent’s piece, the players must play a round of 5 card poker.

This means both players draw 5 cards, and the anti is the 2 pieces that are “fighting” each other. The player with the better hand,  keeps their piece in the spot, and the losers piece is “taken” or discarded.

Checks, or checkmates, are played the same way, if the king is being checked, and the player doing the checking has the better hand, then the king is lost, and the other player wins.

The rest of the game is played regularly.


1st Iteration of Appropriation Project

Appropriation Game.



-Deck of cards

-Player pieces from Sorry!

-Monopoly Board

-Houses from Monopoly

-Deck of Playing Cards

-6 sided die

-A coin


Can be played with 2-4 players, probably the more the better.



  • Players start off on corners of the board, rolling to see who goes first. With 2 players they start on opposite corners, with 3 players do a coin toss to see which remaining corner the 3rd player starts in.
  • Each player draws 6 cards from the pile
  • Players role the die. One of their pieces must move the amount of spaces on the die, while the other 3 pieces can have the same amount of moves split between them
  • When a player lands on a space an opponent piece is on, the player can ask that opponent for a card(# or face card) in their hand. If the opponent has said card, they must give it to the player. If the opponent does not have the asked for card, the player may draw one from the pile
  • When a player makes a pair of cards, they place a house on the space the bread winning piece is on.
  • If a player lands on a house owned by an opponent, the opponent may choose a card at random from the players hand to shuffle back in to the deck.
  • The game is over when one player has 10 pairs or all pairs have been completed, with the winner being the player with the most pairs.
  • In the event of a tie, the winner is decided by a coin toss best of 1, because it’ll make someone really salty.

Jenga Warz 1st Iteration: Appropriation

Required Materials:

  • At least one full Jenga set.
  • People

Rules and Instructions: This game can be played by 2-4 players.

  1. Split the number of Jenga pieces evenly among all players.
  2. Each player will now construct a fortification out of Jenga pieces. The player will also set one piece aside as the “ammo piece.” [BUILD PHASE]
  3. The players will take turns attempting to destroy each other’s Jenga fortification with their “ammo piece.” The “ammo piece” can only be thrown at the defending fortification. [BATTLE PHASE]
  4. Any Jenga piece that falls off of the defender’s fortification during the Battle Phase is now considered the attacker’s war spoil and the attacker takes possession of those piece(s). [PLUNDER PHASE]
  5. The player who manages to accumulate the most Jenga pieces by the end of the game is declared the winner. The players may determine a set time at which to end the game or can simply end the game when one person owns all of the Jenga pieces.

Note: Please do not to throw Jenga pieces at people no matter how angry they make you throughout the course of the game.


Material: clay

-Have a piece of clay in your hand.

-Close your eyes.

-Imagine a car/table/bottle/whatever.

-Shape the clay into the shape of what you are imagining with eyes closed.

-Ask a friend of you to guess what you have imagined.


Yue Yu

Ponder (FINAL)

Stop, don’t move and wonder:

  • body
  • beat
  • air
  • atmosphere
  • space
  • ____________



If you asked my friends to describe me, one of the things that they would definitely note of is my ability to fall asleep quickly; I fall asleep sleep in less than 5 minutes in almost any situation. Every time I describe to them how I do it, I usually tell them to clear their mind by focusing on one of the following: their heartbeat, their breathing patterns, the space around them. Some of them have said that it worked for them and they were able to sleep faster yet it was difficult for them to do so. This became the inspiration of my score, a small meditation piece that would allow people to clear their mind of their worries and stress.


I performed this score for a total of 5 minutes.

0:00 to 1:00 – Realization of the weight of my body and limbs. My heartbeat was also a key element that I paid attention to. Felt more relaxed.

1:00 to 2:00 – Things previously mentioned that I paid attention to felt even stronger. The weight of my body was heavier and my heartbeat resonated throughout my entire body. I could feel it in my hands and my head. I was also paying attention to my relative body positioning to the chair that I was sitting in.

2:00 to 3:00 – I started to feel the air and atmosphere around me. It was weird that some parts of my body felt more sensitive to the air and atmosphere than others. I also realized that I got more tired.

3:00 to 4:00 – Breathing was slower and I was more relaxed. My heartbeat was felt throughout my body. I was also aware of my body heat and posture.

4:00 to 5:00 – At this part of the score I was pretty much falling asleep. My body was really relaxed and breathing was slow. I was aware of my surroundings and it was as if the atmosphere and air around me enveloped my entire body. Mind was clear.


Schoenberg, Debussy, Mahler, Hindemith, Berio, Berlioz, Berg, Brahms, Ravel, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Pousseur, Globok, Boulez, Webern, Stockhausen


Materials: Chess Board, Chess Pieces

  1. Set up the chess board as if you were going to play a standard game of Chess.
  2. Black goes first.
  3. Follow all the standard rules of chess unless stated otherwise.
  4. If you are the first player to move a type of piece(Knight, Pawn, King, etc), then you get to choose what pieces rules it follows (Queen, Rook, Bishop, etc). These rules hold true for both players.
  5. Instead of moving a piece on your turn you way change the movement pattern of a piece.

Caterpillar Final

To play the caterpillar:

Goal of the game:


1: gather people in a fairly large space.

2: divide all the people in groups of four

3: the groups of four form two columns, one in front of the other

3.1: now decide where your front is and you cannot move backwards

4: to get big you must move

5: to move one column must pass under the other

6:to get big you must absorb

7: to absorb the column that is currently in front of everyone must grab another CATERPILLAR’s back


Heard (Final)

Collect the thoughts running around your head

Organize them as best you can

Choose one that you can stand by

Breath in



Artist Statement

When it comes to putting the score into practice, I didn’t have much trouble as this is something I try to do everyday. I have occasional anxiety and am not confrontational, so sometimes during a discussion I may give in even if I believe I’m still correct. By slowing down and breaking down my thought process, I have a easier time not only deciding on what I want to say, but can collect myself before speaking. By taking a breath before vocalizing my thought, I don’t feel rushed in my words and can make my point heard. This has also been a very helpful method while helping someone close to me who has been going through depression. There are many things I want to say or communicate, but whatever I choose to say must be solid, or I may risk them feeling worse. Making this score has been very helpful in reminding me to always take my time and say my words with care and meaning.

This score came to me while in my Foundations of Game Design class. One student was rambling on and on about whatever was popping in to their mind, and it seemed like they lost the meaning of their initial point along the way. If they didn’t have an initial point, then there was no reason for them to be talking. In other classes I’ve seen it as well and I’d be lying to say that I have never done it myself. I notice that after the rambling people tend to drop the subject out of embarrassment or not caring anymore , even if their original point was good. In those times I always wish for them to go back and explain more. If they said something, there was a reason for it, and I would enjoy listening to that reason as opposed to them talking for the sake of talking. 

The only changes I made were changing “ones” to “one” in the 3rd line. After talking about the meaning of the score with the class and putting it into action, it makes most sense in theory and in practice to focus on that single thought.