Month: November 2016

Final Project Idea- Ilayda Hanci

I am thinking to make a board game that lets to show what you know about the opposite sex. First, people divide into a guy’s team and a girls’ team. On each turn, a member of the other team asks the playing team the questions on the card. Players take turn on asking the questions. It is men vs. women in a challenge to answer 3 question categories.

Each team member has 45 seconds to answer the questions.

  1. Knowledge Cards: Gender-specific trivia that member of your sex should know

Example: What exotic flower is the source of vanilla pods? – for guy’s group

  1. Daily Life Cards: Questions about things that have actually happened in a player’s life

In this card, you have to read the question out loud to the other team, then secretly pick how you would answer. Then, place the card face down on the game board.

Example: The most important quality I look for when buying a car is:

  1. Performance
  2. Styling
  3. Cost of the car

3.   Move Cards: Both teams perform a gender-specific action.

Example: Changing a baby’s diaper, cutting wood

Each team mixes all the cards and pick one each turn to ask, and each team moves one space by knowing the answer right.  When they pick one card from the deck, they either encounter to a “our facts” card, “our moves” card or “our lives” card. If you arrive to the center first into the Equality Circle, you won the first prize for the first round. Later on, a new prize will be placed in the center. It is now the other team’s turn. The first team to capture all three prizes wins the battle.

Online Chatroom Intervention – Unaware Game Participation – HvZ/Tag

As I explained in class, I am a huge fan of both casual and competitive games, but competitive games can become boring very quickly because they lose some of the important aspects of casual games, namely player interaction and playing for fun. Being a proponent of having fun with games, I wanted to go to an online chat room full of competitive players and see how I could get them to have fun in a different way than being competitive.

A big inspiration that I had was the video we watched in class, The Institute. There were very many parts of this video that involved combining real life and the game world, for example dancing while you were on the phone, and using real world locations to tell a story. I wanted people to see my piece and have fun watching it, and even be motivated to join in.

The players didn’t even know what they were getting into, either. This counts for unaware game participation, they saw flyers in the streets, and did not know they were being pulled into a game when they took a slip and began their journey to the institute. I really liked the way they did this, how people were willing to follow along with this game just because they wanted to. I wanted to replicate this behavior in my piece. I feel peoples’ attitudes towards something would more dramatically shift if they decided to participate on a whim, so this is why I favored unaware game participation.

I also wanted my piece to deliver an important message, much like The Institute did. The Institute wanted people to take life less seriously, to play in the world, and to be in a perpetual state of ‘Divine Nonchalance’.  I proposed a different message, but one along the same lines: sometimes, competitiveness takes the fun out of games and I wanted to break up the competitiveness in the room with some lighthearted games.

I decided to choose a Pokemon Showdown server, which is a site where you can have competitive Pokemon battles. I was a member of certain server ‘leagues’ beforehand, which tend to focus on competitiveness, improving battling skills, and defeating other leagues on the server for dominance. I quit because I didn’t have time to participate, plus I wasn’t getting much out of the competitive side because it was getting boring. I decided to try to spice things up by playing a chatroom game that wasn’t entirely related to competitive Pokemon battling to see how the players would react.

I decided to have a Humans vs Zombies game in the chatroom. Certain ‘Zombies’, denoted by their nametag, would challenge users to CC1v1 battles (the quickest and most random Pokemon battling format out there). If the Zombie won, the loser would have to change his/her name tag to a Zombie tag, and challenge others to convert them as well. This provides a totally different context for the competitive players to relate to.

I do have online friends on this server, but not too many, because a lot of them quit as well. I did manage to get at least 2 or 3 people to agree to the ‘Humans Vs Zombies’ game idea, though. Due to this fact, and that I wanted this to mainly be an unaware game that people jumped in, I did not feel I needed more people. The plan was to have the players see what was happening, and then they’d join in and agree to the game once a couple people were playing the game.

Once I started, I realized this project was doomed to fail. I only had one other zombie, and the others who were going to play were online but not responsive. I believe that this is a result of multiple facets, one being the fact that this Humans vs Zombies game requires a lot of effort to participate, especially in an unaware crowd. Also, people did not see the point behind the activity, so they did not join. They just thought I was another troll and ignored me. After all, my name was ‘ZOMBIE ON FIRE’ and they had no connection to me whatsoever. Pictures are below:

img_2213  img_2215

So, I decided to go with a different approach: a simpler and more personal game. I changed my name back to what it normally was (Kant Ketchum), so people knew I wasn’t a troll. I still wanted the unaware game participation, also, so I needed to think of a really easy to play and fun game. I decided on a game of tag – all you had to do, was tag someone else when you got tagged. Typing in someone else’s name gives them a notification, so they will know when they got tagged and they’ll definitely consider whether to participate or not. This is very simple, fun, and it creates a game within the server. Some pictures are below:





This game of tag worked a lot better than the Humans Vs Zombies game. People were willing to continue, and it seems they had fun with it. I really liked the inclusion of emoticons while playing the game – it really gave the game a more personal feel to it. The competitive language used (“loses to ferrothorn”, “toxic doesnt touch poison”, “when is alliance cup”) really contrasts with the tag game, and I loved that about the piece. There can be long conversations about competitive topics, and breaking that up with some fun conversation is something I appreciated.

Although the impact my game had was minimal, I feel that I did add some fun to the lives of these competitive players, no matter how competitively they played this game. Overall, there could be improvements, but this was a fun piece to work on.

Stop’n Drink

This was probably the most challenging game for me to design so far. I went through several iterations and different ideas. Initially, I had wanted to create a game based on an appropriation of beer pong, but switching the ping pong balls out for fortune cookies.

However, one day I found myself buried in work cranking out an all-nighter and realized that I needed an intervention myself. Therefore, I thought maybe I could try what I always do, but with other late-night workers — take a break and enjoy a beer.

In my spare time, I work on my own startup out of CIC, which is a coworking space located in downtown Boston. I’m surrounded by other startup founders and teams, but I find us all working on our own projects and often forgetting to take the time to relax in between the long hours.

I decided to start by going around the floor every 30 min to offer everybody a glass of wine and chat for a bit. This went surprisingly well as most people were very welcoming and open to the idea. I got to learn a lot about the other startups around me and made several friends out of this exercise.

From here on, I decided to take the intervention a step further by inviting people to join me at my favorite bar downstairs for a beer. Thus physically relocating them to a new space with a new experience. I had this idea because I learned about a theory in my psychology classes with regards to spatial familiarity. This theory states that people that perform certain tasks consistently in the same setting tend to find it easier to “get in the zone,” but also harder to disintegrate themselves from it. I thought that in order to truly get someone to take a break and relax from work, that I would have to bring them to a different setting where their mindset would adjust easier.

There was understandably less success in this attempt as it required people to commit and invest more effort in this intervention. However, I still managed to convince two startup founders to join me at the Ginger Man (the bar) and share a beer. Although I didn’t get as many people involved, I definitely found the intervention quality to have improved. Both gentlemen that joined me thanked me for the gesture and offered to pay for my drink.

I thought that this intervention was a very interesting psychology experiment for me. It’s nice to see that my own methods of coping and intervening with stress could also benefit others. I will definitely consider continuing something in a similar capacity in the future.

1-pic 2-pic 3-pic

Global Toxic

In order to receive the knife skin, a player must complete all 7 challenges in order. I am the only judge on whether a challenger passes or fails a task. A task may be repeated only once. Forfeiting after accepting a challenge will result in dire consequences. As the Oracle, I am granted full immunity. Do you accept?

The Objectives:
1. Get a knife kill.
2. Have a spray art competition.
3. Have a chat with a comrade about the US election.
4. Get 2 kills with an AWP in one round.
5. Get first blood with a glock/usp
6. Spend all your money, then throw all of it on the ground. Survive the round with just your knife, while constantly moving around the map.
7. Successfully plant and blow up the bomb, without you having fired a shot/Ninja Defuse without you killing anybody.

Artist Statement:

After seeing many examples of Interventions, I wanted to work within a digital space. The perfect environment for this, to me, was Counter Strike Global Offensive. Since the community is infamous for being inexplicably toxic, I wanted to be able to subvert their focus from the usual goal of defending/attacking bomb sites. While playing Counter Strike, there are many small objectives and strategies employed, usually subconsciously, in order to win the round : knowing the other teams economy, will they force buy, what site to stack, where each player is positioned on the map, who was killed, where, how to attack, etc. So I decided to create a series of objectives/challenges, where the end goal was a knife. This way it followed the CSGO design of reaching a certain number of rounds to win. My setup was similar in that in order to progress each challenge/task must be completed in order to move on to the next, while the objective of the task differed from main CSGO priority. My inspiration for creating this intervention, came from watching The Jejune Institute video in class. The Jejune Institute led many people on mini adventures, exploring places they lived and worked at, by creating little quests for the players. This in turn opened up a new perspective or outlook on how they began to see life, and the joy they felt. I saw how it played with people’s emotions, lifting people spirits up at some points; but later on when they found out that the main boss was actually supposed to be bad, many became conflicted and angry. The whole point of the intervention was to try and recreate a new from of socializing. My purpose for creating quests and implementing it within Counter Strike Global Offensive was that it could channel that toxicity into a more narrowed focus. By giving the players initiative to take on the tasks, they seem to overlook the loss of traditional objectives in CSGO.



“Hidden Treasure”

“Hidden Treasure”
Surprise is a scarce resource in today’s society, sometimes people are just too busy to find out what surround them. Fast-paced life makes people focus more on efficiency and ignore the joy and grateful. The main idea of my intervene is people can get joy from tiny thing and believe happiness are surround us. Actually it could not be candy, it could be anything, I just want to show that, people needs to put their eyes broadly and try to seek out the treasures that hidden in our life time.
The inspiration of this game, I think it is the video in the class. In the video, there is a treasure game, people follow the map and instruction in the street or on the wall, and finally find out the secret place and the treasure. My first idea is to create a game like that, however, I find it would takes lots of time and I don’t have enough experience to do that, so I simplify the game process, let people find chocolates in school.
My game is hide chocolates in curry student center and other place that many people pass by. Those chocolates have a “eat me” sign on them, so people can whether take it or eat it when they find the chocolates.
Actually, I put some chocolates in vary conspicuous places, so I hope people can find them easily, however, even some chocolates were in front of them, their eyes just choose to ignore them. Some people noticed it but did not take it, maybe they thought it is not safe to take unknown goods.
Also, there are some good example, someone found the chocolate, first he also felt confusion like other people, then he teared the packaging and ate it, and continued screeching for another one.
Another one is I put two chocolates in the vending machine, hope someone can get extra bonus when he buying snacks. However, the one who planing to buying something in front of the vending machine, when he found the chocolate, he stopped buying and took the chocolate away, seems I select the snack for him.
I did not take any photos about them, I thought it is not polite, and this should be a secret movement. Hidden is the main idea in this game, so I don’t want to interrupt the moment people find the treasure.

Overall, most of the people are enjoy and willing to take the chocolates. Finding this kind of extra surprise can also make them happy.





Bag o’ Sentiment

Self-esteem is something many people struggle with today, including myself. I enjoy being able to make therapeutic exercises and wanted to create an interactive piece that could help others to feel better about themselves.  I also wanted to create more interaction between people while they complete mundane tasks such as waiting for the elevator or coming back from classes. While doing said things, people tend to not want to socialize and continue on their way. I knew this would be a difficult obstacle to tackle, so I tried to look at different approaches to the problem.

A reoccurring trend that I’ve really taken a liken to lately is to create something therapeutic and to bring a smile to someone’s face. Initially, I was inspired by the Crosswalk Ballet piece in which was presented in class. Although premeditated, I loved how it brought people together and allowed for the public to also interact with the piece. It brought a liveliness to an otherwise mundane task in the daily life of the city dweller. I took inspiration from this and wondered how I could recreate a similar effect without having people directly interact with one another.

In my piece, I wanted to incorporate some of these elements indirectly. Since confrontation with strangers can be unnerving and awkward, I wanted to create a way for the passerby to interact with others in a positive way without doing it directly.  My idea was to create a space for the public to donate uplifting phrases and ideas to others.

In order to prompt others to join in, several phrases were written out on different pieces of colored paper and placed into a bag. A sign was then placed alongside the bag, pen and writing pad that read “Take One or Give one”.



Due to time constraints, I was only able to execute the piece in one location, that being the East Village lobby. Initially, I had wanted to place it in two different places: one social setting, and outside of the health center where people may really need uplifting thoughts.

Upon execution, I was intrigued to see that people were afraid to either approach the piece or reach into the bag. Several people had stuck their hand into the bag, but as soon as they realized that the bag was filled with crumpled papers, they pulled their hand out and carried on with their normal routine.

I feel as though prompting people to take from the bag was successful and that they liked the idea of free stuff, however the excitement was lost once they realized they were only getting pieces of paper. Perhaps if the papers were disguised in a different way and if someone were to have moderated the piece as opposed to it being anonymous, the execution could’ve been more successful.

If I were to test this in a social setting such as a party, I feel as though it would interfere with the initial goal of my piece (to give others motivational words),  however it wouldn’t deter from making others smile. In this case, the social setting would have been a better location for this piece.

Dinner Party Murder Mystery


Main game choices can be found on

Screenshots of off-twitter discussion (please excuse my friends – they got progressively more aggressive as the game went on)
(detective’s note taking)
(Mr.Kangaroo’s plan for Mission 4)
(having to put a time limit on my friends because they were pointing fingers at each other for 30 minutes)
(outsider curiosity [note: dem is my online moniker])


For this piece, I was mostly inspired by the documentary that we watched in class – The Institute. I loved the idea that you could take an ordinary, everyday setting and and give people a space in it where they were allowed to have a dramatic and exciting life, even if only for a moment. I also took note of how some of the former players said they felt in their interviews. I was particularly interested in how the players, despite being in the same space as usual, felt like they were special or that there was something different from them.

With this in mind, I set out to find a space to intervene in. I knew I wanted to try something out on a social media platform (just something I had always been curious about), but I wanted it to be something that captured the essence of everyday life. At this point, my mind drifted over to twitter.

I’m not sure how everyone else uses twitter, but for me and my friends, I’ve noticed that we all use it as a sort of stream of consciousness, open diary sort of thing. The kind of place where you just chat about little thoughts that pop up throughout your day. With only 140 characters to spare, it’s pretty difficult to try and get theatrical on twitter – perfect for an intervention.

As I said earlier, I wanted to allow players to step into a big, dramatic setting. And what better what to do that than with a murder mystery? Using games like Mafia and Avalon/The Resistance as a base, I made a game where players (hopefully) got to feel like detectives on a desperate search for a criminal. I made 5 unique twitter unique accounts for players to use – sort of an add on to give people that extra push into feeling as though they were stepping into a new role on a familiar website.

Gameplay was conducted on twitter and skype. I wanted to keep the twitter feed clean to preserve that theatrical sense, so I had them talk and debate over skype (easy considering we all had accounts anyways). My friends are fans of murder mystery type games, so they really got into their roles – the detective even going so far as to taking notes like an actual detective. Their enthusiasm spilled out into their personal twitters where their other friends started to grow curious and followed along as the game unfolded, creating a sort of spectacle out of it. I hadn’t anticipated this, but it made the game feel as though it were more of an intervention. Not only was this a unique space for players, but it was for spectators as well.



  • Conversation Options
    conversation options
  • Questsdefeat the beasturgent messagesmessages
  • A sick get-up to signal your NPC statusmy sick getup


I had meant to do this on Saturday afternoon on Centennial, but due to personal circumstances and rather inclement weather, I ended up performing this piece on Sunday afternoon in the Curry Student Center. I brought my dear friend Mey along to help me photograph and also operate as emotional support. She ended up doing a lot more though, as she started to call people over. I figured that I had never given her instructions regarding that part, and that people could still ignore her if they wanted, so I let it happen. (It was also a lot more fun that way!) I ended up sitting on a table so as to draw more attention to myself.

Mey tried calling over some people, but some of them told us they were busy and kept moving.

Eventually, a pair of people came over. They were rather unfamiliar with the concept of NPCs giving quests, but I explained that they would have to choose a conversation choice. They chose option 2 – deliver an urgent message! From the message board, they selected the one that read “Let’s meet up soon”. As they came in a pair, the guy who had drawn the message turned to his friend and gave it to her. I had not prepared any of the rewards yet, so I offered them both a hug for their great effort in completing this quest. They seemed rather amused by the whole thing!message 1

The next person who came by also chose option 2. He selected one that was supposed to be a user-generated message. He wrote “Hey! What’s up?” on it and delivered it straight into my hands. I gave him a hug and kept the message. message 2

My next encounter was rather humorous! Somebody walked up with very little cajoling, and with very little explanation selected option 2. He also received the user-generated message template. I laughed when he said that he was going to deliver it to his boss, then gave him a hug. NO BITCOINS message 3

Next was a girl who seemed very indecisive. She tried asking me which option she should choose, but I just told her that they were all available options. Eventually, she chose option 1 – to defeat the beast! I showed her the page, and she decided that she would level up a small sword to a big sword to defeat it. I hugged her, very proud of her. beast 1 sick hugs

My next encounter was with a guy who chose option 2. He got the message that read “Have a lovely day”. He said he knew exactly who he was going to give it to and left immediately after I gave him his reward of a sweet drawing of a diamond I did.

There was a bit of space where I chatted with Mey for a bit and doodled some more future rewards, before a very anxious person came forward. She chose to defeat the beast and illustrated herself poisoning it to death. She received some precious stones (and a hug!) for her efforts. beast 2 cool person points

Next was someone who chose option 2 and received the last user-generated message card. She wrote “the girl sitting on the table made me do it” and delivered it to two people sitting a bit away. She walked away before I could reward her. (Didn’t correct her either.)

Then! There came a hero who selected option 3. She asked who “Hex” was, and when I said it was me, she gave me some Sour Patch Kids. I gave her a power-up in return and many thanks. food 4 me

Finally, a pair of girls were called over, though one of them seemed very reluctant and kept telling her friend she had somewhere to be. When the curious one asked if all of them were options, and I said yes, the reluctant one asked if even 4 was one. I said yes, and she told me she chose that one, and the two of them left.

Having spent about an hour and having gone through all four conversation options, I decided that I ought to go eat my first meal of the day at 5 PM!

Artist’s Statement:

When I first came up with the idea, I was reluctant to actually perform it because of my social anxiety and also because of my preconceptions of what an intervention piece should be like. I thought that I ought to make something more “meaningful”, something that felt more “punchy”. After the positive feedback I got in class though, I felt more confident with the idea. It suited my style, it was fun, and it was something that I felt like I wanted to do.

Reading through the assigned texts, I noticed that most of the pieces seemed to be for the sake of Art or for the sake of challenging some  common preconceived conceptions. Based on my own beliefs regarding art, the motivation behind this piece could fulfill the former, but I didn’t necessarily want to “challenge” people’s ideas of reality – I think that something like that deserves more behind it. If I did challenge anybody’s views, it’ll have been an unintentional side effect. What I did want, however, was to bring some uncommon fun into people’s lives. Originally, I was going to stand on Centennial, near the CAMD building, which would have provided me with a lot of people who would have known the context behind my piece. However, since I was doing it in Curry, I brought someone along who got people to come over, which was interesting in its own way. This meant I got some people completely unfamiliar with the concept of NPCs and who were confused with the undeclared mechanics I was operating on, so I got to give some people a quick ‘n dirty tutorial. I wanted to be both obtrusive and unobtrusive at once. Obtrusive enough to be noticed, but unobtrusive enough that I was not the main focus of the interactions. I wanted everything to be on the participant, or the player, the one undertaking the quest and getting a reward for their efforts. Hopefully, it was a fulfilling (if weird) experience for everyone who participated.

A lot of this still stems from the very Fluxus belief that art is experience mixed with my thoughts on NPCs – specifically stationary quest-givers – in games. I’ve always found the concept of an almost always static character created for the sake of furthering a player character’s growth very interesting and also very admirable. I hope I managed to do something like that!

Intervention Final

For my intervention, I left a flock of origami cranes in a bush outside of East Village. Each of the cranes had a page’s worth of text from some well known piece of writing (Othelllo, A Tale of Two Cities, The Hobbit, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice, and My Immortal) printed on it.


In practice, the intervention sort of went how I wanted it to. At the end of about two and a half hours, I had quite a few cranes left. However, people did interact with the piece, sometimes in unexpected ways. Specifically, one person took one out of curiosity and left with it, two people took pictures of each other in front of them but didn’t take any, and one couple took them and unfolded them in front of the bush and read them aloud to each other (pictured below).

If I were to do another iteration of this intervention, I would like to do something to make it more obvious that the cranes are meant to be taken. One way that I would do that would be to use different colors of paper so that they look more temporary. I think part of the reason that many people looked at the cranes but didn’t take them was because they looked like actual garden decorations. I would also like to do this in a different location at a different time. I chose where and when I did because it was after most classes got out and people were less likely to be in a huge rush. However, I still think people were too caught up in their own worlds for the intervention to work fully.

My primary inspiration for this intervention was the pieces  in the Dada and Fluxus movements that encouraged people to take pieces of the artwork,  such as Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ Portrait of Ross. I wanted to people to experience the work and have something physical that they could take away from it. Hopefully, that would be something that would brighten their day (which was why I was sure to include Hitchhiker’s Guide and My Immortal).

I also wanted to play with appropriation, which was why I chose to use published works instead  of generating my own text, I have generally found that finding a reference to something that you are already familiar with is more exciting than finding a random piece of text.

Dance Hopscotch



My intervention project was a game of hopscotch that was carried out in front of Ryder Hall out near the Centennial Quad. However, this game had a twist where on each square that each player landed on, they would have to strike a dance pose. The players would take turns throwing a rock down the length of the hopscotch game and then hop down to it, pick it up, then return to the start of the game.

My main inspiration for this intervention piece would have to be the video clip we watched in class of people dancing along a crosswalk in the middle of a busy city. It really intrigued me how people could be so carefree and open while others were busy hurrying to and from work and other obligations. This scenario could easily be recreated almost anywhere, but I wanted to have similar implications on campus. I studied up on the areas around Northeastern and deemed Centennial as the spot that saw the most foot traffic during the day. I had originally planned on preforming the piece inside Ruggles station, but I soon noted that people would be so busy trying to get from one space to another, that if I was in the middle of such a small space, dancing no less, people would get irritated fairly quickly and that was not the point of the piece.

I drew out the hopscotch game on the sidewalk with chalk and labeled each square with a certain dance move. Each move was fairly simple in nature to allow for a low-level barrier to entry and would allow for more people to join should the need arise. While the plan was to have more people join in, many just watched and continued to walk on to their classes or another destination. There were a few times when a person would walk by and try to copy the moves I was doing, but other than that there was no interaction.

I later realized that my piece was probably not done during an appropriate time. After having finished the piece, I learned that there had been a tragic accident inside of Ruggles station. I feel awful having done something so childish and carefree while such an accident happen. I feel as though it would have been ten times worse had I carried out my original plan of conducting the intervention inside of the station.

This whole intervention and experience has made me think a lot more about planning out a piece and not just coming up with an idea and immediately carrying it out. I now know to plan for more circumstances that could change the meaning of my intervention or could interfere with it in some way that makes it lose its original good-hearted meaning. I only wanted to show that even in an adult’s hectic life, there should always be some time for play and relaxation to go back to childhood and remember the simple games that made them smile.